Monday, 24 September 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012 So you are my wife....

It's been a busy weekend, and Mac's memory goes back and forth, especially in the morning he goes forth, and in the evening, he kind of goes back.  On Saturday we attended a memorial for a friend who had died, usually mac does not go to Church and also does not sing hymns, or for that matter songs on his own but
mac and i sing every day and one of the games we play for his mind is i sing a song he finishes the line, like    lucky in .... mac will say love ...etc.  music is and always has been a big big connection for us...but he kind of distanced himself from hymns and church, , so even at funerals he would never bother to sing hymns even if he knew them.  Saturday , he sang out with all of us, - how great thou art,  i walk in the garden alone, and what a friend we have in jesus,  ..the 3 chosen by the family of our friend who died, ...she had lived with alzheimers for 8 yrs.

Today he was on target for our walk which was really a long one along both sides of the river, so not surprisingly he was tired and maybe not so on target this evening....and he you are my wife...he had to go over and over that thought...and then said but she doesn't have that sweater.  true.  i bought a new sweater, so it kind of threw him off, but he soon got over that.   one thing he is so caring, and then said , you know if it wasn't for you i'd be in an institution, i cannot look after myself, you are on that note, who cares if he knows i'm his wife or not....hey i'm his girlfriend..and his wife, not exactly true, but i do care about his thoughts and i wish he knew for sure that i am his wife , but i'm still lucky to have him and he appreciates and feels lucky to have me...g'nite.

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