Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Tuesday, September 25,2012...Are we the only ones here

My day away, and Mac stayed with our Care giver from the A. assoc.  Helen...she did her usual magic - making Mac feel great, he went for two walks, helped with the dishes, had snacks and lunch plus helped?? her with crossword puzzles and jigsaw puzzles.  This is always such a good day for the two of us.

But while we were eating our supper, he said, 'are we the only ones here'...well yes, i replied..we used to have our family - where are they, he asked...'married and on their own with their own chidren..hmm said Mac..  I was starting to feel nervous that he would lapse into his down time as he had one of the sadder times last night, after i did my blog.   He felt sad, decided he was useless, couldn't remember anything, and kept saying how confused he was...in fact our night or mine was awful, he fell going to the toilet..had a hard time to get up, and so after that i told him i'm going to be your cane, - he always forgets to take the cane which is perched beside him by his bed...So with my going back and forth to the john, showing my nervous state, and his usual 3x per night, our sleep was the pits.

Well have checked out some ideas, one of which is a kind of bottle or bedpan for men, never heard about this, but my friend tells me it's perfect can be used without getting out of bed...and then hung up on a chair or something..definitely going to look into this...sounds awful i know, but for those who have problems of this nature they may get some ideas from my putting this online. 

Anyway, that was all last night.   Tonight we are on target, and we've been folding clothes from the wash, and all is well, though he thinks our house is too big, no one is here but us two and the cat. and he feels kind of lost, and where are his kids, but the news is now grabbing his interest, and i'm going to join him..so g'nite.

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