Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Wednesday, September 5, 2012....Are we the only ones here?

We are watching t.v. at least mac is and i'm jumping back and forth - doing ironing, checking emails, now doing the blog...When I went in to iron and watch the news..he asked for about the 4th time, Are we the only ones here...this is one of his many similar questions every night.  He can't seem to understand that this is our house...This building is our house?  right  our house.  Who owns this building..answer by me...We own it.  Who paid for it...We paid for it, and we live here, just you and I...

I do not go into how long we've owned it as it seems to make him sad, but when i used to say - yes this is our house, we've been in it 50 years...he looks incredulous and then starts asking over and over again the same question, but who lives here?  These questions and more seem to hit in the evening...when we are together.  I just realized he did not ask these questions when our grandkids slept over.  He seemed to enjoy thinking about having two little boys in the next room and since i said let's leave all the lights on in the hall and our bathroom so they will feel secure, perhaps that made him feel better too...who knows?

A rather sad note was watching an old hockey player that Mac knew in his day, Phil Espisito...and the episode re; henderson's goal 40 years the game with Russia and Canada..I remember how excited Mac was at that time ..but when he watched this on t.v. tonight no bells rang.  i asked did he remember, no he said..don't remember anything about that...almost unbelievable as hockey played such a large part in his youth..and in his memory.  I will try to do a little more about that, perhaps dig up his cousin Russell' s letter from New York Rangers  - which was asking Russell to sign a contract...for 50 dollars a week, that was quite a story in the McConnell history..  Will go on google for him and see if it rings any bells, as there is quite a bit about t Russell McConnell if one googles the name.

Well i'll join him to check out the story that history will record.  the shooting that took place at the election yesterday of pauline marois,  I'm surprised that the National put this on one of the last stories...hmm...howcum.  so g'nite...

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