After being so negative about going to St. Henri yesterday, which really surprised me, as he always talks about St. Henri with such affection; Mac was completely enchanted with the visit today. Our driver got us there in time to meet our friend Carolyn at about 11;30, and starting from the Fire Station on St jacques, which Mac recognized with enthusiasm the three of us walked through his favourite park - Jacques Cartier park - which is right on the corner of St. Antoine and laporte. Walking along laporte was such a pleasure for him as that was his street, and when we came to his home we looked up the stairs and he was so happy, 'yes this is where I lived. So I went up the stairs rang the doorbell. A very nice man answered he had to be nice for sure, as he allowed Mac and I to troop through his home, what a difference. Walls had been torn down, but the first thing Mac said when he looked in, was - that's the dining room..whereas i was a little confused, but he was right. The new owners had taken over both the second and third floor. Mac's family lived on the third floor, but the floor plan in both houses is similar and he was looking at the home on the second floor. In any case although we could see many changes basically it was much the same. Although the upstairs floor, the kitchen housed a grand piano, and was a beautiful music room..mac's bedroom was a laundry room, and of course with walls down it was spacious and different, actually the second floor looked more like the original home. Mac and the new owner and myself had a wonderful time - he telling us how much he enjoyed living there, and Mac and i reminicing about when Mac lived there.
Our friend Carolyn had stayed sitting in the sun in the park, so when we all got together we walked all around the area, planning to end up at Carolyn's as she lives in St. Henri. We stopped at three restaurants - having a wrap in one - Bacci's - doughnuts in another - and lemon squares in another closer to Carolyns home - also got to visit a book shop...altogether a very wonderful magical day BUT, and there is always a but...once we got home Mac had totally forgotten the whole day.
When we got home he was saying hmm 'where is janet' , 'hey, i'm right here Mac, - think you should have a nap " so he stretched out on his chair and did just that. When he woke up 45 min later, we got organized to have supper at Brianna's and to see our darling baby...well for sure no problem...he knows his Finley and had such a good time with her, but hearing me describe our day to Valerie, he said ' i don't remember at all, I hope i didn't do anything stupid - or words to that effect. He is like a Rip Van Winkle, he seems to wake up and all that went on before his nap is gone.
We're hoping he remembers some of this lovely sunny beautiful day, where the weather, the people and the food were all so super...but who knows...but Carolyn and I took many pictures. Will they jog his memory, I sure hope so, in the meantime - g'nite.
Sounds like a lovely day indeed. And I'm sure the present owner was pleased to meet Mac as well. Even if Mac does not remember the visit, when he was in the moment it was a special time. And you will have the pictures to show him what his house looks like now. How good you are, Jan, taking this difficult time in stride - a lesson for us all in unconditional love. I will hold your example in my heart. ♥