Today is Yoga day for me, Mac had a choice of staying home with someone here for him, or coming to watch us..or even take part if he wished. He chose to come to watch (only)...All went well, but i found that he was really disoriented after the session. Asked when we got in the car, " just where are we now" could be the last 10 minutes of yoga when we lie on our mats the lights are out and it's dark - may have made him completely lost. I never thought about that part of the session...and he had to just sit there in the dark, not too cool.. must remember that if he comes next time.
I did try to put him in the picture, but for most of the day he was not with it at all..did not want to go for a walk, and absolutely would not do exercise for his arms and what completely threw me for a loop, was i thought to cheer him up I'd tell him the great day planned for tomorrow. Explained we will have our driver take us to St. Henri where he will be able to walk around and see the park, the street and even the house he lived in as a child. We have done this twice before and this always was fun, and though he doesn't remember doing it, I remember, and he was having a ball. But today, he said, "No you go, I don't want to go to St. Henri,, I'll stay home. " Well that's not going to happen, and hopefully when we go tomorrow he will be on a different wave length...
He was keen to discuss his finances with me as our financial planner, Les, our son, was here and that was the discussion with him. He is always happy to know that he has a pension, but usually he gets the reason, i.e. he worked for 40 years, the CN had a pension plan - therefore he now gets a pension...well this did not come across, and he was really wondering, now how did it happen that we have this house, this pension, and he finally went to his chair and slept a good part of the day. Thankfully when he came up to watch t.v. before i started this blog, he seemed quite happy.
I have to remember that each day is different, sometimes I think oh we're on a plateau basis, he has been fairly on target and content all day for a couple of days..but then things can change and he gets so agitated, as he was today...i.e. where are we now, i don't know where we are, i don't know what's happening, do you know what you are doing...What street are we on...I have no idea of this place, where are we ...All these questions and more as we were going to the store - by car - both on the way and on the way as I mentioned he is fairly good now so time to go and see him in this happier state. g'nite.
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