Monday, 15 October 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012... Well my blog got lost in cyberspace

It's happened again, i think when I close blogging shop for the weekend it doesn't always let me back, and it's a real drag, as I wrote four paragraphs and in case anyand one thinks that i write things first and then copy for sure it aint so...i just write off the top of my head or fingers and forget it immediately...just write the day's memories briefly and get on with today's were based on some of the forgotten pieces that have come up from various pieces of converation, and song  was "i get the neck of the chicken i get the rumble seat ride i get the leaky umbrella so how did i ever get  you..which happened because i was putting the neck of the turkey into the soup i was making...asked mac if he remembered our rumble seat rides with our old teenage friends Judy and Earl...and surpise he remembered...

I went on to say lots of other things such as we had a great day yesterday hearing and seeing guest conductor, Stefano montanari...with the Arian Baroque orchestera.  yesterday Mac said he  liked it, today he said it was boring..had to remind him he liked it yesterday...also had to remind him that i was his wife, this i do several times a day ...and finally last night as he was going to bed, i was giving him his meds, he said you are the hero around here helping everyone.  'i said no,  I'm no hero, i'm your wife and i love to help you, and I'm sure you would help me.',,, he said  'yes, I would  you ARE my wife and i love with that i said i'm not going to have that piece go out of his memory or mine, so g'nite,  p.s. sorry the rest of the stuff is gone out of my memory.

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