Thursday, 18 October 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012 I'm very Confused....

That's how Mac is feeling tonight, as he puts it, I'm very we live here?  where are our children, I know we have children?  is this an office, who is working on that computer?  All questions plus some that he cannot seem to articulate...  he is feeling low and sad so will not be on this blog for too long, only to say that I have helped him to allay his fears and to get him settled - right now he has some gingerale and cookies, but i feel that I should be with him...

We had a day where he felt kind of frustrated as he went to the eye specialist who said he did not do well on his field test.  Will not give him any more he said ..and then added it's because of his condition.  Think this kind of put him in mind of his other doc, who said he must answer test questions, which mac thought were for the birds.   And of course by now it is for the he can only lose by answering or trying to answer things that just don't mean that much to him anymore he is just not there. 

The one bright light is that we now will get started on a new hobby and i hope he likes it...and that is the aquarium we picked up from the street, the family telling us  -  take it please.  Well our neighbours just happens to like fishes and have suggested they take us to a special place 2 floors of lovely pets and fishes at some store in lasalle, so that is great.  We'll go on sense telling Mac now as he will forget, but
it's all coming together, so it must be the right thing to do...

Now of course there is the other bright light - the cat Mischa, who Mac loves to pet and say goodnight this time, so it's time to say g'nite  to you ..whoever you are....and by the way thanks for the thoughts and comments, anyone can also comment on my email   if they do not want to comment on google or facebook...g'nite

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