Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Wednesday, Octoberf 10, 2012 I Was just Wondering.....

We woke up later than usual, in fact we slept better than usual, then we discovered just why...the house was freezing...someone had turned down our thermostat...who knows ...mac???  one of our guests on monday?...anyway, the thermostat was at 60 degrees, so we creeped under the covers and and waited for it to warm up..and it did.  Then i discovered the batteries needed changing, Mac used to do all these things, I hadn't a clue how to do it - but it's easy  - and I even found some when I told Mac he said I was just wondering, who pays you for doing all this???  When I replied, ' Mac - no one pays me, I do it it's part of our marriage, we both did things, we bought this house, we learned how to do stuff, you used to do so much and now it's all here for us.  Yes,  he said, but you do most everything must get paid I don't believe you.'   Well not to worry, I said, it's really not a problem, as long as we're nice and warm now.  So how about a shower..well no he wouldn't he still was not then how about tonight.

It's night now, but still no shower, it's been put off till tomorrow morning.  This is something that once he is in the shower, he is happy, but getting there is not always easy.  We now have a chair in there which is fine and works much better as he feels very secure and even enjoys sitting there feeling nice and warm..but it's not to be tonight, hopefully it will be tomorrow morning.  As we were eating dinner he said,' i'm not starting to eat till the rest of the people come. '  Well i said we're one else will be here, so let's just eat, o.k.  ' 

 oh well  said mac, i was just wondering if my mother was alive..but of course she is not...though her picture is on the piano, of course she is not alive".  'i said i wonder how old she would be now".  So that took care of that thought...his mom. my dad and many other oldies in our life would be well over a hundred years old.. We decided that it's not a subject we wanted to contemplate... we're getting there too.

 Mac is not happy thinking about life ending..i guess not many people are.  I told him, i just got a lovely email, our friend Vicki in Edmonton just died last week..a friend was giving her a private musical evening - he was playing the cello doing a piece from Brahms and just as he played the last note, Vicki died.  That,  i said must be a nice way to die..Well Mac just said, humph, or something to that effect.  But i added she always wanted to die while listening to Mozart..this is pretty close to her wants.  Well said mac, i want to forget that subject, and so we did..and now i want to get ready for bed, so g'nite.

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