Saturday 30 June 2012

Satuday june 30 continued, - harmonie du soir a chateauguay  don't know if  you will get it but just put

youtube beau dommage - and the title above - and there is the song, that we think of at our chateauguay river.


Saturday, June 30, 2012 And we didn't worry we were happy

Saturday in Chateauguay, always makes me think of a song by the French singing group, think I'll put the youtube url on at the end of this blog...anyway, it's our usual place if we're not busy, and that's the boat ramp at the river.  We sit under a lovely tree - the kind kids love to climb, it's old and beautiful and gives a wonderful shade.  

The boaters never disappoint, it's better than a movie, watching the problems of these huge motor boats, small seadoos, houseboats, pontoon thingies, or motorized row boats, it's always fun - today's super duper speed boat, a beautiful white and red job, going in;  the truck practically stalled up to its fenders in water, but at last managed to pull itself out...but the boat was in wrong; so all was lost, and they had to go through the procedure 3 times, finally gave up and took off ...mac made me laugh when he said, well thank god, those 2 cyclists are just dying to get in there.  Mac's interest never flags, I read - look up when the comments get too loud..or when as happened today things go all ass backwards. 

So at the end of our walk which was about 3 k. today, I was ready for a dip in Valerie's pool, and we were both so keen to see our darling g.grandchild Finley, who can hardly wait to laugh and smile at us, she's ready - even before we start our antics... what a doll.

Then when we were home we reminised about the days when we had our first little baby, Leslie.   mac said well Brie and baby are off to a B.B.Q eh..did we go to BBQ's,  i said - i remember when les was around Finleys age  (6 mos) we used to go to watch baseball in kent park in Cote des neiges on Saturdays..asked him if he remembered, - vaguely...

I said, remember the day you were so thirsty on the way home from a game, we went into a depanneur to buy something to drink.   We had 25cents between us - and you saw a new product  Freshee, 5 cents a pkg, it made 24 oz or something like that if one added sugar..  i'll never forget your constant refrain about how wonderful it was - so cheap and so good (it came before koolaid) I preferred water to that..but those were the days.  We only had 25 cents, but we didn't worry, we were happy  5cents a  Mac said believe it or not, I still love stuff like that, but somehow now prefer wine - when I can have a choice. Which at this time is only on weekends.  oh well we're still happy it's the weekend yay.

Friday 29 June 2012

Friday, June 29,2012 Facing Facts

While enjoying our breakfast in the sun porch , Mac commented on the various colors of greens.  We are surrounded with various types of trees and the sun shining through the leaves is just such a treat for our old eyes.  Well I was pleased to note that he could see the differences.  

But, - As with the problem of not wearing his hearing aid, goes the other problem not wearing glasses - so obviously he does not see or hear well, but it is for the most part not having visual perspective, i.e. walking too close to the edge of the sidewalk, or moving way over for others passing by.  Apparently this is much like some of the children i taught in my special ed. classes, they did not have eyesight or hearing problems per se, what they had was visual and aural  or hearing perception problems, which is caused by the brain.  So in other words the problem is part of the disease of Alzheimers.  So sad to say, i'm fairly certain that will be the answer our Doctor will give when we see him on Thursday, when  i tell him about Mac's falls and espcially yesterday's fall.

Going up and down stairs - getting in and out of the car - sitting down on different types of chairs - sliding into a booth seat in a restaurant - bending over to pet the cat, these are all in some way hazardous and for some reason, possibly from yesterday's fall, we or HE was more aware of the difficulties encountered doing each  of the above actions.  So, although we tried to joke about it, Mac finally,  half heartedly,  agreed that, well yes perhaps I do need a cane.  So will try to get him to do just that..but by tomorrow the memory of saying that will probably be long gone...oh well c'est la vie - these days.

Glenna pointed out that dad is not talking about his 'good old hockey days'  she's right, must see if he can remember the days when he was stick boy for the Royals and the Chicago Black Hawks..but perhaps I should just concentrate on having him remember he NEEDS a cane .   I told him just that before coming up to bed, and he said 'i have one," -then said  " oh you said cane, thought you said Pain"- well he hasn't lost his sense of humour. g'nite from the 'pain' ha.

Thursday 28 June 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2012 A MATTER OF BALANCE

The day started out on a really bad note, Mac got up and perhaps moved too quickly,  lost his balance tottered toward the end of the bed and fell over backward hitting his shoulders and head on the small telephone table.  To say I was in panic city would be an understatement, but I reacted quickly, told him to lay there and not move.  Thats easy replied Mac can't move anyway.  So i got a cold cloth and put it on his head and just sat with him on the floor for a few minutes.  Then he proceeded to do his drill, i.e turn over, get on his knees,  I put the small vanitiy stool against the bed, and held it tight while he hung on with both hands and got himself up... okay this makes the fifth fall ...will have to talk to his doc.  Even if he had a cane, I don't think he would have used it first thing, but who knows, anyway, it's NO CANE, so didn't aggravate him any about that.

The rest of the day went very well, we did have a short walk, didn't want to do too much in the heat after his fall, and since I am so happy he is okay, I've done nothing but wait on him hand and foot, which he is lapping up...

Short memory today, he said, we've been so great together, before my gap in memory i remember you, I took to you right away.  i said well that's good coz I took to you too, said this with a laugh, no really it's true said mac, and after we had or I had this memory problem, I still took  to you...I really do it's so good.  I said well that is great.  Yes it's great to love someone he said, and I love you  I said it truly is good to love someone, especially since we're so together all the time, would be awful to be with one and not love that one.

Well that little love scene was short and sweet..he then mentioned his brother in Buffalo...which he mentions often, saying remember my brother had to work at Bell Aircraft, he was 4F during the war so had to have a wartime type job.  When did he die, yeshe died i said,  but i can't  remember the date..then he said,  remember how we went to Buffalo.  Well i guess this memory is from before the gap...we were very young  16 and 19 at the time, so that is  before we were married, then comes the big gap in his memory and we're in the here and now.  

In the here and now, i have to see what is going on with these falls.  I guess  as Mac says it's  a matter of balance.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Wednesday, June 27, 2012 City sidewalks

Montreal was our destination to see the doctor (for me). We are lucky to have a driver as Mac finds going up and down metro stairs or escalators a bit tricky these days.  So after the appointment and a lovely lunch with our daughter Gaye, we started our walk around Westmount and NDG.  City sidewalks were wet but a pleasant change from Chateauguay, looking at the gardens, smelling the roses and chatting about changes in the area. 

We passed Grey Ave and Cote St. Catherine, where our son Les  and daughter in law Jane used to live.  That is where our first grandchild Rosemary was born, and how fun it was for me to visit after teaching at Mackay School nearby.  I asked Mac if he remembered, but sad to say, no..but I remember walking with Rosemary in her stroller...Also remember walking to the Metro grocery store on sherbrooke  - must have been Fall.   I bought a huge cabbage and while shoving it into the basket under the stroller, somehow I managed to lose my lovely gold ring from mcgill..Asked Mac if he remembered having to buy me another, but NO memory there.

So although we have walked and talked around these city sidewalks many times in the past, they didn't bring back any memories for Mac, just for me.  One thing all this walk and talk did do, is make us really tired tonight so it's goodnight from both of us, we're off to bed.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 You keep coming back like a Song

What a day, although we went through just what we would be doing today before we went to bed last night apparently it didn't stay in Mac's memory, so that meant that he did not know he would be going to a luncheon at the church hall with his companion from the A. assoc - Helen.  Bright and bushy tailed she arrived all keen to go and as I was unable to join them, because of a prior plan, my ticket was to be used by her boyfriend.  Well rather than disappoint her I called our son Les who filled in the breach at lunch hour, allowing Mac to have his wish..which is to stay home.

So have made a new rule, although I know he can't remember for even 10 minutes; sometimes he does  So now I will tell him the night or day before an event or activity, then write it at the same time.  Then the next day although he may not remember he may not be so crabby, and say - You never told me before, i had no inkling about this etc etc. Have already written what will take place tomorrow, we will be going to my doc, as i told him,  also wrote it on a sticky note and pasted it on fridge as he watched.  Although he has no problem with going in to town to see the doc, this will set a precedent for times when it may not be something he dislikes to do, but has agreed to do it.  Tomorrow when we have to rise and shine at 7;30, i will show him the note and say remember you agreed - no problem getting up early is the note we wrote.  Wonder how that will work and will he REMEMBER..probably not.

Today -  only a short walk, as it was not a great day for a walk..we decided to watch an old movie.  Blue Skies with Astaire and Bing of the songs put all the above in my mind, and that is "You keep coming back like a song..a Song that keeps saying Remember...the sweet used to be that was once you and me  keep coming back like an old memory...well thankfully it's still sweet to be with Mac.  

Monday 25 June 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012 What's important here

We still think of ourselves as young, but both of us get a kind of shock when we say our age, but then Mac will say oh well, I get mixed up and think I'm in my nineties.  So what's important here is our health, he'll say  we are both so lucky we're healthy. 

That's how good we feel when we walk, enjoying  the sun and all the rest of the beautiful scenes we see as we walk.  Sometimes I will say, but remember you have Alzheimers which means you are losing your memory.  I love it that he always says, yes, but what's important here is, we are well now, and healthy now and have each other that's all we need - i'm not going to worry about my memory.  I usually add "just as long as you don't forget me' and he will say NEVER.

I love it too, that it's important to him to know just where the sun is, he really appreciates  it.  We will be walking along as we did today, and he said do you feel sun on your legs, even though it's much cooler today, isn't the sun warm on our legs. We check out the clouds, which ones are covering the sun, we check out the birds that walk ahead of us, what kind is that he'll say, he used to know them all.  Yesterday a monarch butterfly followed us as we walked..we watched this butterfly with so much enthusiasm.  We talk to passing dogs, babies and who they are associated with  as well as stray cats, rogue squirrels that run in front of the cars, tiny chipmunks there amazing fun wherever we are.   Mac knows what's important.

Sunday 24 June 2012

Sunday, June 24,2012 Walking at the LAKE - yay

What a lovely surprise, Valerie phoned to say she could drive us up to the lake today, Bill and Gaye would be going as Bill was planning to repair a broken pipe under our little Cottage...he did - such a smart handy guy!! So there we were, and how lovely, Mac kept saying, this is such a super place, what a good buy this was..when did we buy these places.  I told him twenty-five years ago, well that was such a good idea then, said he..  Several times in the past few weeks Mac has said we should get rid of those places up north, we should go and get some of our things and then sell them.  Today was completely opposite as he sat on the deck contemplating the lake, enjoying the quiet and the sun, what a perfect gift - a trip to the lake, i swam to the raft and back and to top it off, a happy contented Mac.

When we took a walk around the Horse Shoe rd and back about a 40 minute walk, we saw the house  that started us becoming cottagers in the first place.  That is Mac's sister's cottage, when she died about 28 years ago now, we became legal tenants of her cottage, we then became enamored of the whole cottage and lake scene, so decided to buy, and so did, right on the lake. His sister's cottage was across the road from the lake and not really ideal. Our two cottages  - actually cabins, are , and have been a precious part of our lives, especially mine.   We will  probably have to sell or not be able to be able to go up as much as we did when Mac was driving as then,  we could go and come whenever.   but as Mac reminded me today, we've had fun and times change and we have to face that fact. and he did have a good memory of our past days at the lake, well the buying of the cottage in particular,  so a happy day...

Of course this can change and usually does as he was not so contented when on the way back we went out for an asian dinner...guess we had a little too much action and  difference in our days.  For most people with A. it is always good to do the same things at the same times, its regulated,  but gives a more secure feeling ..our weekend although stimulating, perhaps was a bit much, so no way would he eat dinner, he was not hungry, or happy.   He really enjoys one on one, conversations.  When we are all chatting away, he gets a little lost in the conversational hubub.  So slept on the way home and is asleep now. so...g'nite.

Saturday 23 June 2012

Saturday, June 23, 2012 THE NEW WALK THE SAME TALK

Have a little memory from this morning, when Mac said as he was getting dressed, I seem to remember lots of people at a really nice place, I said are you thinking of Pine Beach and your old gang from St. Henri...No I just remembered when I was in the bathroom washing said Mac, remember the kids would look out the bathroom window to see something.  o.k. I think you are remembering Seigniory Park Country Club,  the kids would wake up and rush to stand on the toilet seat and look out the bathroom window to see if the flag was up at the club...if it was, yay, time to go for swimming.  Am i right Mac...  That's it, you are, wasn't that fun for he kids, but then it all had to stop, yes I reminded him because the water table under the pool was too high so the pool was cracking.  That sure was a sad day, when they couldn't go to the club.    But we all have some fond memories and even some movies - must look at them again I said. 

But that memory faded and getting on with the day we went to see our grandson Chris and cngratulate him for graduating from Concordia...while there we took a new walk, and this time we went toward pine Beach on the lakeshore..this was a new walk, but the same talk, Mac said 'we got married many years ago right , it's funny I have a real blank after that but we are back together that's good.  I said yes and here we are walking to where we met, pine beach - do you remember pine beach...hmmm yes sort of ...well i dropped that subject as we were enjoying the walk, and no use pushing for memories we were enjoying walking - sitting in shaded areas and enjoying the beautiful lake st. louis scenery..but when we returned we went over all that again with our son-in-law Bill, I seemed to relive it all in my minds eye...seeing the young Mac with his crew cut hair, coming in to kings Restauant opposite pine Beach, talking and walking with a kind of swagger bringing American cigarettes to all his buddies and then meeting Marge, my friend and i.  and then Mac said in his own 18 year old smarty way...who are these bags...  Mac interjected o.k. I was a cocky kid and I was really bold...or something like that.  i said well you changed when you rescued me from having to walk around with a ripped bathingsuit (right over my backside too)  then we laughted remembering, Mac at 18, driving me back along Lakeshore rd. on his bike - I was only 15...well it was a new walk, but the same old fun talk.  Now it's pillowtime talk, g'nite

Friday 22 June 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012 A WALK A TALK AND YOU

It's always interesting the way Mac's mind works so much better after we walk, not only his mind but his dextrity, in walking, moving, and exerting himself.  Today we had to take Mischa the cat prisoner on Montcalm to the Vet for his vacination.  On the way there, had to watch carefully as we got in and out of the car - which Valerie drove, as we needed her to help bring little fat cat in to see the Vet..I also had to watch carefully as Mac walked up the stairs and then back down.  And walking to and from the car his steps were tiny and shuffling. 

Later we walked down to the river along the walking path behind the library and then back to our car which was parked there, the difference is like day and night.  Walking quickly, talking easily, making a few jokes and there i am lagging along, the heat getting to me.  Only thing he would not sit down on the grass under the tree by the river as he knows how difficult it is for him to get up, and also for me to try to pull him up, so he just leaned against his tree, and I sat on the grass and leaned on mine.  Then part of  the way there he was quiet and by that furrowed look thought he was searching his brain for memories, but then it came out when we were at the river.  He was anxious about his wallet, he usually puts it in the same place at our home, so I said 'you probably just forgot it'.  no all my change is in my pocket, but not my wallet. 

He then went through his pockets over and over again, I tried to get him to relax, but no way, so said, o.k. lets go back- I'll get some groceries and we'll check when we get home.  Then all of a sudden a big smile and a happy - 'here it is'  I forgot his new shorts that he got for Father's Day from Maureen have 4 pockets, he had put change in one and the wallet in another.  "What the hell, why do they put a pocket on top of a pocket, says Mac...Beats me, i replied, but wow this is great you are so happy now its wonderful ...he said well it's nice to have my wallet, but the really wonderful  thing is ' i've got you...and I replied, i've got you too babe.   

Thursday 21 June 2012

Thursday, June 21,2012 memories that disappeared

Briefly, i wrote a whole big blog re; our trials and tribulations going to the lawyers and following problems going out for lunch with our two friends who came as witnesses, suffice it to say it was rather a shambles, but all came out well in the end.'s all out in cyber space didn't get into my blog -

The day finished with a lovely walk in the evening, but we had to have one more snafu..and that was having a shower the shower curtain collapsed and the nice cold shower i was having sprayed all over the bathroom, and onto mac who was drying himself after his nice warm shower...Well on to bed - g'nite hope this gets blogged or whatever.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Wednesday still, June 20,2012 Some fun memories

Didn't have any intention of adding anything, but while we walked today, believe it or not we did walk along the river path, Mac said who is it that used to call you JENET.. well don't know why he thought of that, but he had a friend many years ago who knew i did not like that way of saying my name, his friend was Don Taillon - when we would be several yard away from each other he would yell hey Jenet, how ya doin' causing me much consternation in case anyone else heard him, but he was always so funny I'd end up laughing.  Remembering Donald, brought up all the guys Mac used to hang out with - he remeniced saying, we would ride our bikes out to the lakeshore, and sing at the top of our lungs, "We don't care for all the rest of Canada, all the rest of Canada - all the rest of Canada oh we don't care for all the rest of Canada we're from St. Henri.",

Mac then  added, Sometimes we'd sing - the English live on St. Georges St.  The French they live in Cote St. paul, but the Irish you can't beat cuz on old St. patrick street, every Nation get's it's treat in Montreal, so if you come from the land of the Shamrock where kilarney's lakes are blue then sing a song and make a fuss wherever you are your one of us, if your Irish this is the place for you.   ...then they'd say, who does your laundrey,  o really o'riley, i really mean it ...anyway, we had fun trying to remember the words and singing while we walked.

he wasn't too interested in our song that we sang in Park Ex..
.We're the folks of park extension, singing singing all the while  - singing merrily, always full of glee, we're the pride of Montreal, we'll always stand while others fall, and our district is the best in town, bet your life we can mow them down, cuz we're the folks of park extension, singing singing all the while..  he wouldn't sing that one ....oh well - too hot to fuss with anyone about anything today, so i sang it all by myself.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012 Memories in the night

Can't get on the internet, so decided to write in office and later cut and paste into memories.   Should have my computer network fixed tomorrow.  it's around 2;00 a.m.

During these hot days I have the a/c on which is great, but still doesn't always work well  as I'm not a good  sleeper these days, I said to Mac at one point during last night when I couldn't get to sleep, don't cuddle me too much I find you radiate heat..anyway finally got to sleep and slept soundly that  I slept right through till the cat's meow woke me around 8 a.m.  Went down to let Mischa   in from the basement, then put him out on his line which is on the patio, then as I turned around to walk through the living room to open the front window drapes, was stunned to see Mac fully dressed lying on the sofa sound asleep.  Shocked, I woke him up and said what are you doing here​?  He mumbled, “thought there wasn't enough room for me on the bed”.  Well we have a queen size bed, and we are not big people, I felt so sad  I guess he decided I needed the whole bed or something, anyway, thankfully he did not fall down he stairs in the dark, or whatever.   I said, come up to bed there is  plenty of space.  What a thing, I can't believe I slept through him getting dressed and going downstairs, but I did.  Now tonight I keep thinking of it, and so can't get to sleep.  I have heard of people with A getting mixed up at night and walking around, this has never happened to Mac he is a great sleeper, once he hits the pillow he is out..hopefully that continues.

Anyway, he had a great day, interacted with Helen really well as I took my usual Tuesday  off– she told me it was one of his better days..he also interacted well with friends Josie and son Dave, who dropped by, and later with our neighbor .
This neighbor, Susanne,  was also our neighbor many years ago in Lasalle,  Mac said, how did you two meet​I said we met when Susanne and I were registering our children for kindergarten, that would be Leslie and Mimi who are now 58 years old .  She was in line in front of me , I  remembered how Susanne had beautiful thick black hair pulled back with a large barrette  and flowing down her back,   She said, that's right, and when I walked Leslie and Mimi to school, I remember I couldn't stop touching Leslie's beautiful thick auburn hair.   Interesting  how we both had this memory of beautiful thick hair.. both she and Les still have fairly thick hair to this day,  but now the  colors are  no longer quite the same.

   When we left Susanne, Mac said I don't really remember  Susanne  in Lasalle, but I do remember living there, but sad to say later when we went upstairs to watch t.v. he forgot where the t.v. room was...memory certainly is a strange thing.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012 Father's Day Fun

Today we spent most of the day at Valerie's home, celebrating the day..Mac had a hard time realizing it was all for him..  He kept saying to me I'm not the only father, there are other fathers here.  The answer from Glenna Valerie Gaye, Maureen and Les,  you are our dad and it's your day.  Then i said well they celebrate their dads at their own home..oh o.k. said Mac.  He interacted with the family , and particularly with his great grandchild Finley.  He loves to look at her and say hellooo   she smiles constantly at him and is the sweetest little angel, what a pleasure.    A perfect day, and perfect food, I'd go into the various gourmet delights, the swimming, the wonderful grandkids, but this is supposed to be about Mac's memory so I'll forgo that; but while we were eating he did have some memories.

one of which was how he used to go to the beach at the Bay of Fundy in St. Johns, this was during the war years - he used to take the train to visit his sister and brother in law,Gertrude and Bill,  he went each summer for several years, travelling alone.  The train ride was always a thrill, and swimming with friends in the cold bay of Fundy he said once you were in, you stayed, as it was too cold to go in and out.. He always points out that he got his terrific tan in those days and never lost it..everyone marvels at his tan as even today the kids said wow Granmac you are so brown, and as usual he says, yes well i never lose my tan it's there all year.
When we left the youngest of the grandchildren - olivier and noah, i asked did you have a lot of fun, a medium amount of fun, or a little bit of fun...they said 'a little bit of fun'   i said well i had a medium amount of fun, until it came to the food then i had a lot of fun, but now I'm too fun...i asked mac the same question later, after telling him what the grandchildren said   He said - A lot of FUN of course, because you were there...well on that note, goodbye to Father's day.
Later we talked about his days in St. Henri, I mentioned how he said when a friend mentioned they were taking a trip, "i want to take a trip too, to St. henri.'    well we will do that..we talked about his friend Bob and how he used to play Lacrosse on the street.  later i guess that memory came back and he mentioned we should go to those houses, one above the other..again this is our cottages up north.  He remembered that his lacrosse sticks were up there in the attic.  Les said its o.k. dad i have them now and we'll bring them up north and play lacrosse.  he mentioned we should really bring some of the stuff we have up there home..  i said don't worry when the day comes that we do not go up there anymore, we will bring home what we want or need.

Saturday 16 June 2012

Saturday, June 16, 2012 This is a new way for us

That's what Mac said again today that is he said 'this is a new way for us'  but, this time, going right along our own street...then said,  oh yes of course this is our street.  He seemed a little more confused about what he was doing and where we were; not sure just why as we didn't do anything too different.  In fact i try to do everything the same and on a regular basis that is we go for our walk around 1;00 p.m. unless we have company. Today we went at 1:00 p.m. as usual and since it is Saturday, it's a good day to watch the boaters, putting their large or  small - boats or sea doos either in or taking them out of the river. 

We were doing our usual routine after the walk, which is  sitting out in the garden, i went in to get some lemonade, and came out to see poor Mac lying on the grass - actually he was trying to get up.  He sat at the end of his lawn chair, which is a no no,, but he forgot and the whole thing collapsed...again lucky he has the smarts from skiing to turn right on his side..and then get on his knees...i was able to drag the other chair over near him so he could pull himself up.  This is when I realize that we certainly cannot be up north on our own - because today if we had a problem, i could hear the neighbour right next door and he would have been right there to help if need be, but at the cottage, well we're fairly isolated although we do have a new neighbour  getting to his home would be a big problem.  i guess this happened to confirm in my head that we definitely cannot be there alone, much as i'm always trying to think of ways to be there.

His memory this morning was a fleeting one of being in our first apartment, how he and his buddies cleaned the place before we moved in.  I reminded him that we kept papers all over the newly polished floors till we were really there for good, as we didn't even want our own marks till the we were truly married.   Then he asked if Jacob had an appartment in Calgary, when i said yes he will live with his girlfriend,, he said 'but they arn't married"...well that was funny but i guess he is back in the day...and so we were as we or i talked about our own wedding day..60 years ago, it's surely been an interesting 60 years and still is. 

Friday 15 June 2012

Friday, June 15,2012 And the gap is still there

This morning Mac made this comment during breakfast - 'i'm so happy we are back together , I know you say we've never been apart, but there is such a gap where I can't see you in my mind; and it seems like we were apart for a really long time - now it's s terrific that we are together."  Well that's a good feeling for sure I replied, and  I'm very happy too.   Then I mentioned that just yesterday we heard about some other friends of ours - apparently the husband has gone down that no-memory lane so quickly that he does not recognize his wife - Mac said "I will never forget you, you are Janet, and you are my wife.  We have Leslie, Gaye, Valerie, Glenna and Maureen, though I never see them I know they are our children.  I said, we will see them Sunday, Father's day, and you saw some of them last week.  'oh yes i did, said Mac at those houses out there -(by that he means - the houses up north) 

Then, he said, we should go up north and get the things we like to keep and bring them home - and sell the cottages.  This made me very sad as for me the cottages and the lake are my paradise, but actually he is being very sensible, although  I said - there is nothing really we need that is up N. actually we should get rid of many things both here and there I guess.  I added,  well you are a keeper Mac, I'll keep you, he said - I should hope so, and I'll give some thought to keeping you endeth the walk through the Gap for today. 

By the way for those who want to comment, a friend phoned to tell me she wanted to comment but does not want to go through the profile or something on google, i said just comment in an email, as that's how I get comments the email is  put blog comment in the subject o.k.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Thursday, June 14,2012 Our Anniversary and the Big Gap

Well as one can see from today's title, it's our anniversary today  60 - Funny thing Mac mentioned this morning, "you know there seems to be a big gap, I can't remember, you're sure we haven't been apart for a long time?"  No that's for sure we haven't been apart, and today is our anniversary sixty years now i answered.  Well says Mac, time for you to find someone else and i will too...well how about that i said, where should we look, then we both laughed.

Later we had a lovely lunch as Jacob, our grandson joined us.  Jacob will be leaving tomorrow, to go to Calgary to join his girlfriend and LIVE there, boohoo.  We then had a conversation about moving out west, I reminded Mac that when he was working for CN he went out west to Edmonton for six months, surprise - he remembered.  But that was all he remembered, he could not remember what he did for CN, or what position he held there.  I said do you remembe skiing every evening after work as the hill was nearby...he just kind of looked - then said, yes...but I don't really know if he truly remembered that

He was very keen though on the info that Jacob mentioned, that is,  that the NFB has a good little movie called  August 26th in St. Henri.  That gave him such a happy look - then the discussion about our neice Rosemary, Jacob's sister , Mac  said,  we have someone we know now living in St. Henri.   I said - yes Jacob's sister.  Jacob said, "yes she is moving, but will still be in St. Henri..Mac said, I think on the other side, i added yes near the canal.  Jacob then proceeded to tell us a little about the movie.  I plan to buy it for Mac, should  make a great anniversary gift.  Especially since we were talking to a friend the other day about her trip, and he said I only want to take one trip, 'to Saint Henri.'   so we'll do that and see the movie too.

Our walk today to the library and back, Mac said, this is really unfamiliar as we went home via St. Francis rather than the walking path..he said it's been at least a year since we took this street.  Well it's been some time as we usually take the walking path through the he is taking note, which is good.  On the way home I celebrated our anniversary with a Chocolate Milkshake..Mac celebrated in his own quiet way, saying happy anniversary and squeezing my hand and giving me a kiss..told him he had to give me 60, later says Mac.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 Well here we go again

Busy day but before we got into it, while eating breakfast, Mac had a memory, he said "we were just at those houses the one above the other".  Well that took some thinking on my part, so said are you talking about last Sunday when we were up north at the cottages. "oh yes,  - the cottages are one above the other ...i guess so, i said,  as the land might be a little higher so one may be above, i said, but i kind of don't remember that.  Yes that's right says mac, we are on a lake there it's nice.  Well tried to discuss how nice, but he was not really into that just wanted to know, who owns them ...i said well they are in my name, who owns this house he said,  i said you do...So that ended that.   Guess because of the power of attorney, he is thinking about who owns what, and why we need to have signatures in case of selling our properties.  But can't always follow the thread of conversation as it twists and turns in different directions. 

Especially important today to get our act together as we had to be at the hearing aid specialists to have his hearing aid checked.  What a fiasco that was, turns out i had been putting his hearing aid in wrongly much of the time, also it was not working properly as wax had got in the hole or something.  When it was working  he went ballistic and wanted the G.D. thing out...The woman - Manon - was patient and tried to get it at a hearing level that he could stand, but for one thing he couldn't even stand his own voice - said it came through a fog horn..(actually i kind of found that funny- he did NOT).   I told him, you know your voice has changed, you sound older and kind of foggy..he was certainly not impresssed with that.

Anyway, we left with Mac freaking out at the noise the heavy door made when it opened to go outside, that did it.  We took the darn thing out of his ear.  Tonight we tried again, but the wind makes a noise, leaves make a noise, lawnmowers were noisy, and most of all his voice was not his voice i said look, we'll take it to another hearing aid specialist - one that used to do the kids i worked with at mackay - it's downtown, we'll see what the specialists there have to say, o.k.  If it's not good, well to heck with the damn thing, no hearing aid, fine...he is a happy camper so we've left it at that.

Wonder if we'll laugh at that some day as a memory, think not..g'nite.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Tuesday, June 12,2012 The Day Away

Although I try to prepare Mac by mentioning casually that i will be going in to town the next is always news to him on the morning, as it was this morning.  Why can't I go too, why if you go do i need someone here, I can manage perfectly on my own and so on. and on.  I always agree that it's no fun to have to have someone come in, but add we're lucky that our person from the A. assoc.that  is so nice ...she was a friend before she had this job and certainly she tries her best.  Mac always says fine she is nice, but I don't need her, don't want her and I will certainly go out for a walk.  BUT, he never does, thankfully, when Helen comes he is on his best behaviour..although she tells me that he has some really fine words about ME, when i leave and also about where and why i should go.  One funny thing is that I did go to a study group called Prayer Fellowship at the church during winter...he called it prayer fellowshit...not exactly the right pronunciation, but hey if saying it like that helps - well why not.

Tomorrow he will get his ears checked as he has something new in his life - a hearing aid - it has to be checked, which is good as perhaps i didn't put it in right today.  He lost it and lucky Helen found it - it is pretty small, so happy she was able to see it  on the floor in the basement...who knows why they were there.

I should remember that when i explained why he should have helen  i reminded him that he fell yesterday, when he was down petting the cat...he was able to use his skills from skiing days - turned on his side - got on his knees, reached for the chair and was able to get up...Wow don't know what i would have done if i had to lift him.  I didn't see the fall - although it was right behind me, but don't know how it happened.

Anyway, i had my day away, and as it keeps me awake at night the night before worrying about going, sometimes i wonder if it's worth it...but t'was fun in town with my friend Elaine, bought a new dress and saw a very neat movie starring judi Dench.  Now to join Mac and watch the news with Peter mansbridge  mac's fav. show.  no memories today or if there were was too worried to remember ha.

Monday 11 June 2012

Monday, 11, 2012. and it's HOT

too hot to trot today...but we had to go to our lawyer's office, which is a bit of a walk on a busy street, so went by car part of the way..all the way with this complainer...Mac.  The only thing lawyers want is your money was the constant refrain from him.  I explained, we have to get power of attorney for me, so that I can sign your papers etc.  This is important, look at the problems i had to find out about your pension, they told me I must have the power of attorney  homolgomated  - or whatever, so that's what we're doing.  Pure garbage, you have power of attorney said Mac, look at the bank they allow you to use my bank account, and don't forget that.  But it's not the same i replied, apparently this has to be done - for selling our cottages, or our house, it's really necessary if we need to do that.  Well we don't says mac, let's go home...

Anyway, this conversation in the heat, made us both hotter than h.  but who would believe the sweet person answering the lawyer's questions, I looked to see if I was still with the same man...ha.  So one more thing out of the way, and although it started out looking as if it was going to be a losing effort - not a problem.  We are set to go next week and he is set to try to sign that's good news, but will he remember...don't know.   Now i must remember to phone his secretary to make a date and time..there's always my memory too hmmm...

Mac's  only memory came up at breakfast, when looking out at all the greenery around us in the sunny kitchen, Mac said -we first had an apartment, then we moved here, right?  We had lived in two apartments before coming here, i replied,  the first on Barclay was a 3 and 1/2 where Les was born, then the second was a 5 1/2 on Bergevin, where Gaye, Valerie, and Glenna were born...and then we moved here, Maureen was born here.  Well this was a good buy it's great. said Mac..  And I agree...

Sunday 10 June 2012

Sunday, June 10,2012 At the lake

Was a bit worried about going up to the lake as Mac is not to steady on his feet these days, but we managed fine.   He actually was able to walk up the steep driveway, and walk around to the woods at the back of the cottage and take the bumpy path through to our place.  Although he was hesitant to go up north and really was not the least bit interested in going, while we were there he enjoyed that's great.  Of course since his memory is so poor, he may not remember enjoying the day, but I'm happy we went  and maybe he will be more receptive to going again, but one never knows.

Tried to get him to use the neat hiking stick that Robin made and gave to him a few years back, but no way, no cane and no walking stick...although actually he has a walking stick, when he needs

Beautiful day, but alas no memories, but to see him enjoy his great grandaughter Finley is such a pleasure, and provides us all with a super memory of them both.

Saturday 9 June 2012

Saturday, June 9, 2012 Sunny sunny days continue

Today was a super sunny day, out from one to five p.m. walking, talking, enjoying  ...although at one point it got a little scarey, we saw a lovely sight, 5 baby ducklings with their mom, these were so tiny that it was necessary to get really closer, so I went down a little path through the bush - Mac right behind me, we both loved the sight of these sweet little ducks as they went in a kind of convoy through the water plants, then as we left, Mac had quite a struggle to get up the uneven and higher ground..luckily he managed, but for a moment there i thought I'd have to call for help to get him from the ground..but all went well. 

When we stopped for icecream we were saying how great it was that even though we were outside at a little table thankfully no one was smoking, which reminded me that today's gazette featured a headline that read - big tobacco companies will be hit for 6 Billion for their part in the health problems in Que.  This brought a memory to Mac, he reminded me that many years ago now, he said we were getting in the car, and he said, here's one cigarette for you and one for me - the last two in the package and the last ones will ever smoke.  And that was that...and so true, we never smoked again.  Good memory and definitely a good idea.

We also saw more than ducks, we met a young man named Charles on our walk - he had a dog named Smit, but wrapped around his body was a snake.. i said is that a python, - yes he said, a Burmese python, i call him jegolungan..after some movie that robin Williams was in, well don't ask, not even sure of the name, but guess what - I petted the python, he was 3 years old, just a baby but one hundred pounds and about 3 yards long.  Actually quite a pretty pattern on his body, and a kind of a longish narrow face, quite interesting to try to look him in the eyes as his eyes are slanted one on each side of his head.  Strangely Mac does not comment, I'm not even sure if he realizes it's a snake or how he feels about it.

So besides ducks, snakes flora and fauna, was the fun of watching the yahoos taking their boats into the water...speed boats, sea doos, yachts, and small motorized row boats, but they all had the same problems and the air rang with colis, tabernac, etc, quite fun.  We sit on a bench in the shade and Mac just enjoys the show...I read and look up when the back and forth of the boats gets really interesting and the air turns blue
Mac always has a comment on the boats and the people, so obviously this is fun for both of us.  A good day altogether.

Friday 8 June 2012

Friday, June 8,2012 Sunny, funny Days

Yesterday walking along the river and seeing 3 domesticated geese and their 3 babies, plus mallard duck with babies, and enjoying the flowers, and the trees and butterflies and bees...started us thinking and talking about Mac's mom Elizabeth McConnell, she had a budgie bird called Topper, Mac mentioned how she would put a lettuce leaf filled with water on the kitchen table, Topper would then take a real energetic bath water flying all around.  He said people don't seem to have birds like my mom, she raised canaries - and they really could sing.   Surprise today we were invited to a friend's home and there she had two budgies but he really didn't pay too much attention, being more intrigued with her little shiatsu GiGi..what a fun dog - especially for Mac.

We also went over the train bridge yesterday which brought to mind a story Mac likes to tell about how his dad used to put mac on his knee, mac would have been younger than age 4 - as sad to say, that is when his dad died.  They would rock together on a big rocker and pretend the rocker was a train, his dad would say, All aboard,  montreal, lachine, dixie  pointe claire, Valois, now all off, as Valois was where mac's paternal grandparents lived.  A lovely fun  memory for Mac.  Endearing, but probably not enduring sad to say.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Wednesday, June 6,2012 And so it goes

The memories seem to be diminishing, but perhaps it was just too busy a day.  Mac had to have his eyes checked - the past year this had to be done every 2 months as he had a glaucoma and cataract op last June.  Dr. Cohen his specialist said his eyes should be o.k. at 12 whatever that means...and now we only have to return next June, his normal eye Doc - will see him during the year.  

Anyway, he was more shaky than usual, downtown traffic and then to my friend's home, all unknown territory for him these days; thus causing anxiety.
Also friends gave me a special surprise at the tea..The Westhill Grannies - 4 of which performed a take-off of  leonard cohen's hallelujah - wish i could put it on was great and all about the noise and laughter were too much for him even though he chose to stay in the den - too many women - said mac.

Took a small walk this evening, the walks usually seem to get his physical and mental abilities heightened but not too much today...and so to bed without a memory to build a dream  on. 

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Tuesday, May 5, 2012 And then there are those days

A short note today,  no memories today.   Mac showed some of his pictures to a visitor; he was proud of the picture of himself at age 18 wearing his Lacrosse Sweater and posing with his lacrosse stick.   He thought the pic was taken in Verdun, but was not sure.  Another picture shows him at about 15 mos ..sitting with his brother John on  huge horse.  At the time the pic was taken, his brother was 18 years old.  picture was taken at their uncle's home in Morin Heights.

We keep many pictures on the desk, piano and table to kindle some memories of his family.  This was really good for a time, but he is not taking much notice of them these days..

The good news is that his anger at my having to leave without him had melted away during the day, and he was a happy husband when I returned...yea!

Monday 4 June 2012


Actually this memory is from last night, just before we went to sleep, - or Mac did, I'm not a great sleeper these nights.  anyway, he asked me, "do you have a job, I said I just take care of you ...he said well in that case "your fired'..Which set us both off into gales of laughter, when we finally settled down, he said.  Now really, how do you support yourself, I  replied just like you do, with my pension, I used to be a teacher, and of course we use your pension.

oh yes that's right says Mac, but what do you do to take care of me?  Well for one thing I do your washing...well Mac replied...that's nothing....guess what we both found that funny, and laughed again, but hmmm...

Today he is not such a happy guy, as he knows I have my day out tomorrow, our friend and worker for the A. association will be here, and he so wants to be left alone, but the doctor says - 'no way'  he cannot stay on his own.  This is too bad but he really can't, once she is here though he is fine.

Sunday 3 June 2012

Sunday, June 3, 2012 A Glimpse behind the WALL

Another day and a couple of memories.  When sitting quietly in his favorite chair, Mac said - I remember vaguely that I drove you home on my bicycle bar many years ago..where was that.  I said, it was at Pine Beach - oh yes, said mac, you tore your bathing suit getting out of the boat..That's right, i added, you brought me my sweater to cover the tear which was right on my back side. Then we both laughed. 

That happened so many years ago, when we first met at Pine Beach, Dorval, he drove me to my friend Marge's home on St. joseph..(lakeshore road) I was 15 he was 18...actually that was the second time we met and  that's when it all began. 

One would think he would go on with this memory, but no...right after we laughed - he said, Am I on pension now - yes i replied, where is it - in the bank?  Correct i said, and they send you a statement to show what you have spent...and ever the keen economist (which was his work position) he said, oh right, must check that out.

For many i know this is very sad to read, and it is, especially for myself and family...but I should say that when we are together he is content, and loving -so then we are both happy.  His only lapses into sadness or anger is when he can't be with me, but he is a little more relaxed now when I'm away on my day of respite.  But really it is important. they say for me to go, but I'm just as happy as he is when i return.

Saturday 2 June 2012

Saturday June 2, 2012 A view into macs memory

A quick bit tonight - Mac said, so you are my wife right?  Answered quickly, yes I am, and have been for almost 60 years ..will be 60 years June you kind of remember.  He said, well....kind of but there is a big wall, seems I can't get past that wall...I answered  - that must be sad .  No said mac i concentrate on today, we have a wonderful time every day and we love each other so that's enough, I'm not sad,"- well that's good. 
kind of sad myself, but since we had such a great day with Baby Finley smiling and enjoying her Great granparents well that is  enough.   g'nite.

Friday 1 June 2012

Friday, June 1,2012...Memories are made of this

Well here I am still writing or blogging, but on rereading the past blogs I realize I should pay attention...instead of flinging the words online just before going to bed, I'm making a concious effort to write and think a little more clearly here.

Friday is our day to relax, take a shower and eat a late breakfast, today was no exception so after eating our morning grapefruit, I asked mac what would you like - guess we should have a kind of brunch since it's now after eleven a.m.  perhaps you would like french toast, boiled eggs, poached eggs...what's your choice?  or would you like me to surprise you?  No, said Mac. don't surprise me I think i know what I'd like, and with a sparkle and smile, he added I'd like SEX...  Well guess who was surprised!!!

Poached eggs , hardly a good substitute for sex but it's all in the presentation, Right?

Other than sex another activity we do is go to a Seniors Club on Fridays...we play sandbags, good exercise, but at this time it is getting a little difficult for Mac, aside from balance his visual perception is not too good so he is trying to get out of this activity...Luckily today there was no seniors club, as it is does no take place on  the first of the month, so we went for our usual WALK along the river but only after we delivered the dreaded CANE to the CLSC.  Since he was checked and tested by a therapist - a beauty named Maxine, and told he should use a cane, this cane is now a BANE..and a pain, .so she said we would have to return it and she would let the doc know the result of her work.  T'was funny to see Mac walking with the cane held like a stick to bop someone rather than a help for walking, we bid the Bane goodbye at the CLSC..and continued down to the river.

The birds, the herons, mergansers and mallards were all out to greet us in their usual way, the lilacs wafted their lovely aromas as well as the rose bushes and honey bushes...what a glorious walk...only sad note the river itself...starting to look muddy and grubby, I've heard that the Chateauguay River is the fourth most polluted river in sad is that.  I must check it out.  Only memory that came up was the distance we both had to go to school, this, as we noted all the school busses going to pick up the students...We in our day, walked, but for Mac he said, it was a very short walk, he lived near the school..which was on Richelieu not too far from his home on Laporte Street, in St. Henri..